We took our time but we have finally released our first game: Pixel Traveler.

The game is about collecting souvenirs from various world locations by completing nurikabe puzzles.

For who is not familiar with Nurikabe, the game is about solving a grid by following a set of rules, in a similar fashion as Sudoku: Wikipedia
Since grid based puzzle games are most of the time not really accessible to casual players, with Pixel Traveler we have tried to make Nurikabe as accessible as possible by providing a simple and colorful user interface, an intuitive tutorial and a purpose with rewards for completing the levels.
The game has been released on Android and can be found here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=games.twistedmirror.pixeltraveler
For iOS unfortunately you need to wait a little longer. Even though we are ready to release the game, we are experiencing some bureaucratic issues with our Apple Store account which are preventing us to proceed.
We will keep you posted.